Monday, November 18, 2019

Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10

Final Exam - Essay Example The Peloponnesian War involved the battle pitting the Athenians and the Peloponnesian League under the guidance of Sparta. As a result two immediate long term effects occurred and, hence, affected both sides. For instance, it caused the breakdown of peace meaning Athens violated the Peace of Nicias treaty signed in 421 BC. Another effect included the introduction of the Ionian and Decelean Wars. These two wars occasioned a devastating phase of bloodshed as both sides struggled to gain victory for the acquisition of empires. Subsequently, three long term effects emerged from the Peloponnesian War such as the explosion of the Archidamian War (Tritle 100). It is war that was led by Spartan forces under king Archidamus II. Second effect entailed the contravention of the Peace of Nicias treaty that was meant to stop the war between Spartan and Athenian forces. Third effect is the Sicilian Expedition that was heralded by the Athenians in order to defeat their rivals. The Spartans prevailed over the Athenians because of their prolonged siege that induced diseases and starvation in the Athenian population. The Spartans later showed clemency to the Athenians by refusing to enslave them. It is crucial to highlight that the aftermath of the war played a major role in changing the Greek civilization. The tyrants that ruled Greece suspended democracy. In this sense, it became a reactionary regime that would eliminate the oligarchs and create the capacity for true democracy. During the Peloponnesian War, Pericles demonstrated two political strengths worth noting because they contributed to the favorable outcome witnessed in the duel. First, he was a charismatic speaker who applied both rhetoric and flowery language in persuading the masses. As the leader of Athens, therefore, he integrated colorful speech with the need for his people to exact revenge against the

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